I'm Ryan Posselt, Councillor at Hobart City Council. I was elected to Council in October 2022 and since then have been working hard to ensure Hobart grows into the best city it can be. I chair the City Mobility portfolio and meet quarterly with stake holders to plan our city's transport network encompassing all movement of people around our great city.
I continue to advocate for better strategic forward planning that will enable us to be prepared for the pressures our city will face moving forward. The major pressures I see in our future:
Popultion growth:
Hobart continues to be one of the hottest places to be right now. Young couples and singles are flocking here for the City's lifestyle and beauty, which has seen our median age fall from 39 to 37 years old.
Population growth in Greater Hobart exceeded the high series projection between 2014 & 2021. Demographers and the State Government expect continued strong growth in part due to the rural shift associated with COVID-19 and also "climate refugees" who see Hobart as a safe bet as our climate changes.
The continued rapid growth of Greater Hobart will put significant pressure on housing, transport and roads, and community facilities.
Climate Change:
Climate Change is likely to result in more frequent and ferocious weather events. We must ensure that we have a high degree of preparedness for:​
​Bushfire​​: Bushland management, development in an around high risk bushland, relationships with the Tasmanian Fire Service and State Governemt, Fuel reduction burns, fire breaks and fire trail maintainance.
Floods and Storms: Emergency management, storm water infrastructure.
Coastal erosion
Population Health:
As a serving Paramedic of 14 years, I have a keen interest in ensuring every member of our community is as healthy as they can be. My exposure to poor health comes from the acute care and emergency care sector. Everyday I see community experiencing the consequences of poor health choices and lifestyle and the social and psychological consequences that flow. The pressures of day-to-day life seem to be making Tasmanians sicker as a trend. I know that promotion of healthy lifestyle can result in improved quality of life for all including through:
Community facilities like sports grounds, swimming pools, tracks & trails
Active transport infrastructure
Community programs, like healthy ageing
Health advocacy and health promotion.
Its not all bad news. I see these pressures as opportunities to build the infrastructure we need tomorrow, today.
We live in one of the most beautiful places in the world and in an amazing community. I'll continue to work for the best community and sporting facilities, great culture, art and events and ensure everything we do at Hobart City Council is community focused and strives for greatness not mediocrity. We're worth it.
Strive for greatness Hobart, You're worth it!
Community | Transport | Recreation

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Get in touch
As your community representative, I make the most of meeting with ratepayers whenever I'm asked too. In fact, I have never turned down a meeting with a Ratepayer or community representative. Having a face to face chat about priorities in your area, strategic planning or anything council related is a great way for me to understand your needs.
So, do reach out if you have an idea or problem and I'll do my best to assist. I'm happy to meet in coffee shops, on building sites or public places or at Town Hall in my office.
I look forward to hearing from you!